zedtime: 12:16:32am


date changes
06.11.2024 - moved footer information to its own php file and changed pages to include said file
- updated metadata for all pages except blogs
- updated friends.php
- added note on homepage
06.10.2024 - simplified navigation block
- updated navigation menu with pride background (bi, btw, happy pride <3)
- created content.php
05.28.2024 - creation of zedcorp.php
05.23.2024 - updated location of blogposts; preventing blogs redirecting to wrong page
05.22.2024 - created friends.php
05.17.2024 - updated about page to center align text and photo for bio
- added additional easter egg. i won't say where ;)
05.13.2024 - updated fetch page
05.07.2024 - added rss link to about page
04.30.2024 - worked on a few other ideas for widgets, including a guest number counter, as well as light css work for guestbook
- marked april mcc as complete!
04.29.2024 - found good php script for a guestbook, tossed the one I was working on, implemented
- setup guestbook.php
- updated mcc day count
04.28.2024 - continued work on guestbook
- looking at implementing blogging via ghost
- implemented ghost for my wife's website
- added golden css class for completed items on projects page
- updated mcc day count
04.27.2024 - updated cloudflare tunnel (was forced to)
- further development of guestbook page
- updated mcc day count
04.26.2024 - updated php
- got mariadb set up for site
- prototyping guestbook
- updated mcc day count
04.25.2024 - updated css to account for new navbar sizing and body size, as they were previously in 14pt font
- updated mcc day count
04.24.2024 - installed php
- configured nginx to php installation
- reconfigured site pages to be php pages
- configured all site pages to include nav.php
- added clock in top left to nav.php
- updated mcc day count
04.23.2024 - implemented javascript counter on homepage - updated mcc day count
04.22.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.21.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.20.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.19.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.18.2024 - continued prototyping apple music widget. Still not working quite right. Considering changing scope.
- updated mcc day count
04.17.2024 - prototyped widget from last.fm to show 'now playing' from Apple Music; tested, not quite working yet.
- removed Duke Nukem 3D JS-DOS window from /index.html
- updated mcc day count
04.16.2024 - created changelog page (the one you're on!)
- got changelog caught up to present day (from the logging I've done for the Value Select Monte Cristo Challenege)
- created new changelog.css
- updated projects page to reflect current statuses, completing a couple of things
- updated fetch page with new screenshot
- updated mcc day count
04.15.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.14.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.13.2024 - updated mcc day count
04.12.2024 - wrote up blogpost the otherside
- updated css
- updated mcc day count
04.11.2024 - prototyped javascript widgets for homepage; all were broken. scrapped.
- updated mcc day count
04.10.2024 - prototyped new bio section; did not like it. scrapped.
- updated mcc day count
04.09.2024 - moved about to /about.html
- updated about section to actually have a bio about me; not just junk about the site
- created new bio.css
- updated mcc day count
04.08.2024 - made changeover from legacy site to new site, removed /mcc directory
- pushed everything to /, now /index.html directs to new index.html.
- moved old site to /archive directory (still accessible here, although, links are broken)
- updated mcc day count
04.07.2024 - moved old files from website backup to new navbar element
- updated blogposts to new navcluster and links
- added easter egg to gif (created /smile.html)
- updated navbar element and cleaned up html
- updated css
- updated mcc day count
04.06.2024 - fixed server-side permissions issues resulting in all pages obeying CSS after issues arose from migration
- pulled fetch away from /index.html and made bespoke /fetch.html page.
- updated mcc day count
04.05.2024 - updated css
- created bespoke projects page at /projects.html
- updated mcc day count
04.04.2024 - migrated website to new vm on hypervisor
04.03.2024 - created new blog page at /blog.html
- moved links to bespoke blog page
- updated link on blog item in navbar to bespoke blog page
04.02.2024 - updated /mcc/index.html with very basic styling and gif, for spice
- created navbar element
- created basic links to old blogposts for availability
- made basic 'about' page, linking each div in navbar element
04.01.2024 - creation of new website
- basic homepage creation
- creation of /mcc folder to house my in-progress website in accordance with the April Value Select Monte Cristo Challenge